Other Services at Key-Whitman Eye Center

Eye Care in Dallas Fort Worth

Key-Whitman Eye Center is proud to offer a comprehensive approach to take care of issues affecting our patients’ vision, appearance, and other health concerns. We work with patients to diagnose and treat a variety of concerns, offering our medical experience to provide solutions tailored to their unique needs. In addition to our LASIK, cataract, optical, and cosmetic services, we are committed to helping patients treat a variety of other conditions.

Continue reading to learn more or call our doctors in Dallas at (214) 220-3937 to learn more. We have nine convenient office locations to better serve you.

Our Services

Cosmetic Injections

Injections like Botox and other dermal fillers should only be given by qualified medical professionals. These are injected directly into facial muscles to reduce lines and wrinkles or increase the volume lost by aging.

Diabetic Eye Disease

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to serious eye disease. About one in four people who have diabetes suffer from some form of diabetic retinopathy. The effects of diabetic retinopathy can lead to permanent loss of vision, so it is important that diabetics control their diet and follow the recommendations by their doctors including seeing the eye doctor as recommended.

Dry Eye Allergy Treatment Center

Dry eyes are a common problem, but the treatments are often unique to the individual. At Key-Whitman, we provide a wide range of state-of-the-art treatments and services for our patients suffering from dry eyes. Our doctors can especially design a treatment plan specific for your symptoms.

Eye Health Exams

Just like getting that regular physical with your local medical doctor to monitor blood pressure and to do annual blood work, seeing the eye doctor every year is just as important. Early detection of eye disease increases the chance for the best outcome. Often, problems can be treated early protecting your good vision. For most adults, seeing the eye doctor once a year is what we recommended.

Eyelash Treatment

If you are looking to get thicker or fuller lashes, Key-Whitman Eye Center may have some solutions. We can prescribe Latisse a prescription medication designed to grow and improve the appearance of your natural lashes and we carry a line of over the counter products which may also help

Eyelid Surgery

At Key-Whitman Eye Center, we are pleased to offer a cosmetic center for our patients. We have a full-time oculoplastic surgeon in Dallas, Plano, Rockwall, and North Arlington to provide treatments and surgery to help improve your appearance. We perform upper and lower eyelid surgery, brow lifts, cosmetic lasers, and cosmetic injections to reduce lines and wrinkles and leave you with a more rested and youthful look.


At Key-Whitman Eye Center, our team of doctors are specifically trained to manage and prevent vision loss associated glaucoma. We offer the latest in diagnostic equipment and treatment options including medication, laser treatments and surgical stents used to reduce eye pressure.

Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Device (M.I.G.S)

MIGS are the world’s smallest medical devices. These tiny stents like the Glaukos I-Stent Inject and Hydrus are implanted during cataract surgery and work to lower eye pressure and potentially reduce or eliminate the dependence on glaucoma eye drops.

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of severe vision loss in people over the age of 60. This occurs when the center portion of the retina, the macula deteriorates leaving distortion and loss of central vision.

Yag Capsulotomy

Many cataract patients will experience hazy or blurred eyesight several weeks to years following cataract surgery. This is called posterior capsular haze and is easily treated with a Yag laser.

Contact Key-Whitman Eye Center today to schedule your appointment.